Event organisation made easy with SMS
Forget Big Day Out. This year it’s all about Big Day Scout.
SMSGlobal is wrapped to be partnering with Big Day Scout for their event rolling up onto the main stage this Sunday, the 15th of February.
The fun starts at Federation Square, where participants will run around the city, trying to find 5 pieces of incredible Street Art produced by Big Day Scout’s youth members (with the aid of established, as well as emerging, Victorian artists).
SMSGlobal is happy to be coordinating Big Day Scout with the guiding hand of SMS. What’ll happen specifically, is that the 5,000 member attendees will divide up into groups. Each member will be sent an SMS with a clue regarding where to look to find the first art piece. In that SMS will be attached a shortcode, which will link to a Big Day Scout gallery page. Why?
Well, once the adventurers find their first art piece, they are to take a picture of the team with the art as the backdrop, and upload it onto the page linked to the shortcode. Once they’ve done this successfully, explorers will receive another SMS with a clue about where to look for their second art piece. And so it goes until all the art has been located (or alternatively, until noon strikes – whichever comes first). At that time, everyone will receive an SMS saying that the game is over. But the day just beginning.
Once the dust has settled and all the art spotted then, everyone will head over to the Sidney Myer Music Bowl (at noon) for the show. There’s be live entertainment for the whole family as well as numerous activities to sink your teeth into – a mountain bike obstacle course, scuba diving displays, a rock climbing tower, a bouldering wall, a rope-less maze, and much more.
We’re happy to be supporting young Australians navigating their way into the world of Aussie art, and to be a part of such a huge and magnanimous event.