Acronyms and abbreviations for SMS
Do your children text you instead of talking to you? Have you ever sent a text message to someone different than intended? Does your Nanna find it difficult to grasp the concept of 'be there in 5'? Have you found your children's inner thumbs to be permanently red and swollen these days? Does your Uncle Bill constantly punch at the digits on his mobile only to break out in a sweat because he can't seem to master the caps button? Or perhaps you know someone who's earned themselves a bit of a reputation (like an infamous cricketer) through inappropriate use of text?
There's no denying that mobile has changed the way we live and interact with one another, but just how much does it differ between generations? We report some interesting findings on the subject in this month's newsletter.
The list of SMS acronyms used on a daily basis has grown to an extent where a new language has formed. A language only privy to those well versed in the art of SMS. A language so diverse that it's as complex as it is simple.
As part of a Canadian Study, University linguist, Simon Fraser is trying to determine whether all the texts we send and receive are really "ruining" our language. As part of this study, French professor, Christian Guilbault has collected more than 7,500 texts messages from several provinces and has found that the medium isn't just a blur of abbreviations like ROFL (rolling on floor laughing).
"I think it [having a text language] will make other people see how creative the younger generations can be and how efficient, because that's what language is all about," he said. "It's a tool to communicate - the more efficient you are, the better," said Christian.