An eBook guide to mobile marketing
Re-shaping our daily lives to centre around our smartphones has revolutionised how we work, communicate and socialise. It’s also radically transformed the way in which we purchase products and services, and now to remain relevant, companies must evolve to meet potential customers where they spend the most time– on their phones.
Many businesses are already leveraging the power of smartphone technology to transform their communications, leading to cost savings and efficiency gains as well as increased brand awareness and customer satisfaction. With so many benefits, the necessity to embrace a mobile-first strategy has never been stronger.
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It’s estimated that companies around the world spent over $550 Billion USD on marketing in 2015, with around $70 Billion devoted to mobile marketing alone. As the adoption of mobile technology continues to transform consumer behaviour, mobile marketing has evolved into the fastest-growing and most effective customer engagement channel available.
Get Ahead Of The Competition
Mobile offers unparalleled opportunity for businesses prepared to dive in. We check out some key statistics and give insight on how you can get ahead in our free eBook. Grab your copy today.