Register your Sender ID with SMSGlobal - a simple process to help you protect your brand reputation.

Protect Your Brand Reputation

Register your Sender ID with SMSGlobal
SMSGlobal Pty Ltd Australian SenderID Registration

What you need to know before registering your Sender ID.

SMSGlobal Pty Ltd Australian SenderID Registration: To comply with Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) regulations, it’s mandatory for SMSGlobal Australian customers to complete the Sender ID registration form.

This ensures all outbound SMS messages are sent from registered and approved Sender IDs, enhancing security, preventing spam, and protecting recipients. By completing this registration, customers affirm their identity and the authenticity of their messaging campaigns, aligning with national communication standards.

SMSGlobal has a hassle-free Sender ID Registration Process that makes it easy for businesses to start sending and protect their brand.

Formatting Your SenderID

Below are some key points to consider when selecting your SenderID with SMSGlobal:

Purpose & Format

An Alphanumeric Sender ID serves as a distinctive representation of your company or brand when sending one-way SMS messages to supported countries.

This unique identifier can be up to 11 characters long and may include a combination of uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters, digits 0 through 9, and spaces.

Format Pre-requisites

A SenderID cannot consist solely of numerals. It's important to note that not all countries support Alphanumeric Sender IDs, and for those that do, registration of your Alphanumeric Sender ID is often a prerequisite.

Each supported country may have specific pre-registration requirements, which can vary. You have the flexibility to incorporate Alphanumeric Sender IDs into your Messaging Service.

International Compatability

When dispatching SMS messages to supported countries, your SMSGlobal Messaging Service will designate your Alphanumeric Sender ID as the 'From' parameter, ensuring the delivery of your message with your desired sender identification.

In countries where Alphanumeric Sender IDs are not supported, SMSGlobal will automatically utilize a regular phone number from your messaging service.

Getting Setup to Send

To utilize Alphanumeric Sender IDs within your Messaging Service, ensure that this feature is enabled in your Account's SMS Settings. For detailed instructions on integrating Alphanumeric Sender IDs with Messaging Services, refer to our support documentation.

For further guidance and information on Alphanumeric Sender IDs, please consult our comprehensive resource: Getting Started with Alphanumeric Sender ID.

Ready to register your SenderID?

SMSGlobal has a hassle-free Sender ID Registration Process that makes it easy for businesses to start sending and protect their brand.

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